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Chapter 2- Meditation

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I have heard a lot about the word Meditation, but back in 2017 I started to practice meditation. A friend of mine Keeran Oliver told me during our class break that he practices meditation, and I should try to practice meditation. But at first, I ignored him because I thought why meditate. Most people until now are not interested in meditation but let me tell you my friend you should meditate because meditation plays a big role in life. Keeran came to me again telling me I should watch the movie called “The Secret” and that there is also a book of “The Secret”. After watching the Movie called “The Secret” and reading the book also called “The Secret” is when I realized, that I should meditate. I then went on Google and do research of meditation and on YouTube I found meditation music and guided meditation processes.

Meditation is a deep relaxation state where one meets your higher self and manage your thoughts. Meditation helps to create your life in your own imagine. When I started to practice meditation, I used a guided Meditation process in the morning, afternoon and late at night to sleep and heal my body. On YouTube you will find different categories of meditation choose the best one for yourself. Every Morning when I wake up, I listen to “Louise Hay – Guided Morning Meditation to Heal Your Body”. It is important to meditation early in the morning or before you get out of bed. During the day when I have time I would use “Abraham Hicks- Daily meditation” process to get the necessary energy and to keep me productive and creative during the day. At Night I used different guided meditations processes for example a Guided meditation to meet your Higher self, a Yogic sleep meditation or a deep Sleep meditation. But that was when I was still learning how to meditate, now I do not use guided meditation process anymore. I just put on relaxing or meditation music then I meditate using my own knowledge and understanding on how to meditate. I would say it is important to use the guided meditation process until you can meditate on your own.

Remember how it was like when you were a child, when you could not wait to go to your friends, where you would not care about what people might think of you. As a child you were carefree, you would spend hours without eating or stressing what deadline you must meet. Now as we grown, we become insecure, we stress about the future, we stress about our responsibilities. We now see a need to be perfect and we over think a lot. Meditation is time for yourself to control all the good and bad feelings. In the meditation process you will learn about those good and bad feelings and you will attract the good ones and eliminate all the bad feelings. You must trust that the meditation process will work, and it will work. Mediation is like the Law of Attraction. Your thoughts become things. The guided meditate process I will be going through with you is going to help to change your thoughts and at the same time change your life if you allow it to. Now let us experience a deep relaxation state and eliminate all the negative and change our futures for the greater good.

Let me explain the meditation process. Do not meditate will driving a car or operating machinery. Only meditate where you would be still without hurting yourself. Like you can meditate in your room or in a meditation room, anywhere without destructions. You can meditate lying on bed, looking at the sealing, your arms must also touch the bed and you must be still, or you can be seated on the floor with your legs crossed and your arms on your knees with your back straight. As you are seated on the floor or lying on your bed getting ready to enter a deep relaxation state:

1. Take a deep breath, continue to take breaths, breath through your nose, now slower these breath with a count of 4, also focus on the breaths, monitor your breaths. inhale now count in your mind 1,2,3,4 then exhale. Try to keep these breaths steady to the counts of 4 inhaling and exhaling. Make sure you feel comfortable when inhaling and exhaling in the counts of 1,2,3,4.

2. Now begin with a body scan to eliminate all the tension in your body. Begin from the top of your head, become aware of the tension in your head, the spaces that takes place in your head, then come to your forehead, become aware of your forehead than sense the tension in your forehead the space that takes place. Now become aware of the areas around your eyes, your nose bone, and your nose, become aware of the tension and those areas breath into it feel how it feels like, feel. Now come to your, cheeks feel the tension breath into it and eliminate any tension that may take place, continue to do so in the areas around your mouth, lips, and your cheeks simply breath into it and relax your face all the part of your face.

3. Now focus on your ears, the areas around your ears and the areas behind your ears just breath into that areas without stressing take it gentle. Go down to your neck, focus on the back of your neck and the front of your neck(throat). Focus on these areas’ breath into it with your mind release all the tension that is in these parts of your body.

4. Now begin to become aware of your upper shoulders focus on the areas around your shoulders and relax them become aware of the tension and feelings in your shoulders and just let it be, relax them without stressing yourself.

5. Moving down now focus on your arms, elbows, and your forearms, go down to you wrecks and your hands. Sense what is going on here. Your hands might be resting on your knees or on your bed. Also focus on your fingertips, try to sense the weight of each finger. Sense if you feel any sensation in these areas. Simply embrace it and allow it to be and relax.

6. Now become aware of your chest area, you may sense the rise and fall of your chest as your heart beats, bring the awareness to your rib cage. The frond and the side of your rib cage than shift the awareness to your upper back that is resting on your bed or sitting straight up. Sense if there is any tension here and become aware of the tension. Breath into these areas. Do not force the sensation simply become aware of it. Now as we continue become aware of your stomach, feel the tension here, you might feel it softening relaxing. Just as your chest you may feel your belly raising and falling as the air comes and goes, just be open to whatever you are feeling or sensing just allow it to be and accept it. Now focus on your lower back area. Breath into your lower back area and allow it to relax. If you sense pressure just relax it. Now bring your awareness to your pelvis and bedecks, be aware of the space it takes and the air against your skin and any tension you might feel, allow it to come and go and accept is as it is.

7. Now bring your awareness to your ties, the top of your ties as well as the sides of your ties, the inner part and underneath your ties. You may feel your ties resting on your bed. Now sense the weight of your legs. It is okay when your mind starts to wonder just focus on relaxing.

8. Now start to focus on your knees, the top bone on your knees and the inner flashy part underneath your knees, just accept any tension or feelings that might come and goes. You might sense discomfort, but it is okay just accept it for what it is. Moving your attention now to your curve muscles of both legs and become aware of these parts and allow your curves to relax on your bed and shift or awareness around your chins.

9. Bring your attention to both of your feet, sense the pressure around your feet, sense the breech part of your feet, your ankles, sense your toes each individual toe, feel the light between your toes and allow them to relax. Now brings your awareness to your breathing, without interfering with the retheme of your breathing. Now focus on your entire body breath through your entire body and allow your body to relax. Now you have completed a whole-body relaxing state. To enter a deeper state, continue to remain relax and in the same position.

As you are now relaxed, and focus think of what you want to become and what you want to achieve. Think of all the things you need in your life. We usually want to achieve our dreams so focus on what your dreams or goals are. Do this for 10 days and you will attract the life you desire to live.

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