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Learning Curve

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Back at university my lecturer told us “keep your eyes and your ears open one learns along the way” and since that day, that quote has become my personal favorite quote because, it is the truth. My entire life I have done nothing but learn. I have learnt from life itself and from my surroundings. I do not compete with others in a negative way, but I see others success as competition not to break them down but to grow me. If you work hard towards your dreams you will achieve great things and what God gives you no one can take away, but that will not stop the enemy (Rather say friends then enemy) from trying to break you down. Look at the events that happened in the past, you cannot change them, but you can embrace it. What went wrong in the past see it as your past mistakes and look for solutions to overcome it in the future. That is where forgiving comes in. You cannot live a happy future if you are still stuck in your past. Change and embrace your past to live a healthy future see it as a learning curve. Another reason for failure is the fear of the future. You cannot fear a timeline that you have not lived yet. Even if it sure does not look so good just live the moment and have hope that you will make it in the future, but you can only do that first when you make peace with the past and work hard towards a better future. Live the present moment to create a positive beautiful future. It all depends on the present moment, what you do now can change the way you see the future. Control your feelings. In the next chapter when you read on meditation, it will help you to guide your thoughts and change your life for the better.

I believe we as human beings think we always need someone in our life’s because we do not want to be lonely, and we think we always need people to make us happy but that is not true. Let me put it this way we do sometimes need people but to be happy you must be happy first with yourself then the rest will follow. Remember people may come into your life for a reason, season, and lifetime. I believe that the people that comes into your life for a reason are your parents. Parents are in our lives for a reason and that reason is to guide us, to raise us and to grow as independent individual. Everyone that helps us and guide us and that fulfil a purpose in our life’s are simple in your lives for a reason. People that come in our lives for a season is those back stabbers and those boyfriends or girlfriends that break our hearts because they came into our lives for our material things or our superficial looks, so they decide to use and break us. Seasonal people are those who only talk to us when they need something. But you can also see seasonal people as high School friends or college friends. But do not stress because we have no control over seasonal people, we can just accept them. Lifetime people can be our children or the boy or girl who will marry us and stay in your lives forever. We can also meet lifetime friends who are real with us even a stranger can become a lifetime partner. Lifetime people are there for you no matter what. That is my understanding of the kind you people that might enter your life as you are in your journey. Learn to love what you are doing, keep track of your thoughts and find your passion. To learn is to recognize your talent and skills. I started to learn and to take note once I accepted God as my personal savoir. I believe I could not have made it this far without God. God is the reason why I have made it this far; all credit goes to God.

The learning curve means to me to stand my grown and follow my instinct. I have learned not to trust everyone that might smile or laugh with me or that even might call me friend. I have learnt that what goes around comes around. You cannot expect to hurt people and not getting hurt. Learning does not always happen at school or at university, but learning happens every minute of your life. Since 2017 until last year 2020 I used to be the so called “Guy”. Running the streets with bad company. 2017 I Started to study Human Resources Management at Nelson Mandela University in Port-Elizabeth. During recess I used to come home (Fort-Beaufort) and during the holidays in Fort Beaufort I used to be with friends and the friends I used to be with would done wrong thing is the

community. We would course trouble drink alcohol and do drugs, then we would disturb people who has nothing to do with us. People would warn me to stay away from negative things and focus on my studies and I would ignore the advice of the elders and my family. Now that I have completed my studies through difficult times. I have learnt that all those years while trusting my friends I was playing myself. You cannot trust people that do not want to see you grow but they expect you to share with them when you achieve. Be on the lookout for jealously and learn to understand the different between people that are proud of you and people who would pretend to be proud of you. I simply believe my family comes before anything in life. I came to the realization that my family supported me the most, is when I asked myself the following questions. Who send me to School? Who raised me? Who were there when I need help? My mom and Dad. My family was always by my side. So, since the day I realize that people do not care about you they only care about what you can give them. I stopped to surround myself with those type of people. I am glad I have learnt what people think of me is their business and I do not have to worry because their thoughts do not define the person I am. The learning curve thought me not to care about the perspectives I do not believe in and to focus on learning more about myself. I have also learned in life people will always hurt you or try to hurt you if you react you will hurt yourself in the process. They say Karma is a bitch I say make sure that bitch is beautiful. So, if people hurt you instead of hurting them back let God deal with that. Anger is good but make sure you focus your anger on what matters. Not everyone one hates you or are jealous of you. There are some genuine people in the world that really likes you and that would even invest in your ideas, we just must trust the journey and believe we are going to make it. It is a step-by-step process; you cannot jump from the grown to the top of a mountain.

The most important part of learning is to learn how to trust your gut or let me rather say your instinct. I made a promise to trust myself and believe in myself and to things that will satisfy me. I no longer desire to do what others is doing instead I am more focus on what I want to become in life. I look at it like this 10 years from now will I be happy with what I made of my life or will I always come back and feel I did not do things right. So, I promise to trust myself and to do what I want to do. A question I asked myself was do I want to make a living out of writing books, or do I want to make a life out it? The answer for that question was I want to make a life out of it because I believe writing is my God giving talent and I will not have any regards 10years after this. I will invest all my time in writing book, blogs or anything that involve writing. I have also learnt to trust my mind instead of my heart. The heart has only to functions, 1 is to pump blood to other parts of the body and the second and the second is to feel the types of the emotions the brains send. So, my I trust my mind to think and made peace with my feelings. Learn to love and respect what you have because as J.Cole said in his song “Love yours”; “there is always something clothes that’s better than the once you rock, there’s always gone be some kicks that’s fresher than yours got but you gone never be happy until you love yours”. So learn to love yourself and what you have then you going to be happy it is as simple as that. Learn to go into the world to get your share and do your best to satisfy yourself then the rest will follow. That’s the learning curve.

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